It’s been hijacked.
Of course, this is not a recent development. Americans have long been ceding commemoration to shopping and cooking out.
This year, however, it seems especially sad, since whether one agrees with the war or not, valiant defenders of our nation and freedom are falling on distant battlefields.
Why can’t we all turn back to the original intent of Memorial Day?
To recognize and commemorate the fallen in battle?
It seems such a shame that the people of this nation, to whom so much has been given, including ample time off and holidays to shop or party, should be so self-consumed that they can’t take one day to remember our heroes. Let’s do it this Memorial Day. Have all the fun you can have this Saturday and Sunday. But take a break on Monday, Memorial Day. Reflect. In gratitude and sorrow.
We owe it to each other and ourselves. Most of all, to the departed, who left us, without hesitation, with only the most heroic intentions.
To practice and not just preach, all Aboriginals: Art of the First Person websites - Native-JewelryLink , Native-PotteryLink , TribalWorks and ZuniLink - will be closed for orders on Monday, May 28 in commemoration. No orders or shipping will be processed that day.
You may shop online in true 24/7 style today and tomorrow and again starting Tuesday morning. But on Monday, we will be remembering. Full time.